The following content is translated from Chinese source by machine translation without post-editing. This article will provide a detailed analysis of the cooperation plan between negotiation translation agencies from a financial perspective. Firstly, we will analyze the necessity and importance ...
The following content is translated from Chinese source by machine translation without post-editing. The Malaysian Language Translation Center is committed to breaking down language barriers and connecting the world. This article will elaborate on the role and significance of the center from mul...
The following content is translated from Chinese source by machine translation without post-editing. GANNI is a leading Nordic fashion brand from Denmark. In June 2024, TalkingChina established a translation partnership with GANNI, mainly providing product information translation services in Eng...
The following content is translated from Chinese source by machine translation without post-editing. Simultaneous interpretation is a form of on-site translation that involves the art and techniques of translation. This article will elaborate on the art and techniques of simultaneous inter...
TalkingChina Group, with the mission of breaking the predicament of the Tower of Babel, is mainly engaged in language service such as translation, interpretation, DTP and localization. TalkingChina serves corporate clients to help with more effective localization and globalization, that is to say, to help Chinese companies “go out” and foreign companies “come in”.